RANDOGNAR (cycling brand by Jacob Murray)
Randognar is a blend word that combines "Randonneur" and "Gnar", a juxtaposition of styles expressing creativity and freedom in cycling. Randonneuring is a long-distance cycling sport originating in France. The sport has a lot of rules but is non-competitive. Rando to me means riding long distance, 200+KMs to be true brevet qualified. You maybe see bikes marketed as "rando" bikes, they are talking about traditional esthetics/construction/geometry, and it's marketing. Any bike can be ridden 200Km's, you maybe look trendier on a steel bike, but smarter on a modern bike...and then there are the rules.... Gnar is short for Gnarly, a slang term with origins in surfing culture. Surfers used the word to describe difficult conditions, then was adopted by other extreme sports to describe things. For me gnarly means difficult but also references the expression and creativity of extreme sports, and by combining it with Randonneur it becomes something new: Long distance cycling with no rules, just ride further than you have ever tried to before, make the route up as you ride. Ride hard, Ride Far, That's Randognar! |